Support for Parents
If you would like more information about our curriculum, please contact school.
English-please see the English subject overviews tab page for more details, support and tips.
Remember that reading with your child is one of the most beneficial and powerful things you can do- both academically and for making memories.
The children’s learning logs have lists of spellings and the new expectations for maths – one of the most important changes of the new curriculum being that children should know their times tables off-by-heart by Y4. Chanting times tables might sound old-fashioned – but it does work! Please – if you could help your child learn their times tables (in the car? over supper? in the bath?), it would help their maths enormously (without a secure knowledge of times tables, children struggle with division, multiplication, fractions and percentages etc.)
Basic number line addition
Tutorial -
Expanded column addition
Tutorial -
Vertical addition
Simple number line subtraction
Number line subtraction
Expanded column method
Compact column subtraction
Multiplication grid method
Short multiplication
Long multiplication
Division number line grouping
Short division
Short division with remainders
Long division
PRSE curriculum
PRSE (Personal, Relationship and Sex Education) at John Blow is taught daily, even out of lessons, and is at the cornerstone of the entire curriculum and at the heart of our school. It is embedded within all our lessons and we will strive for a high level of PRSE and social awareness for all children. Through using high-quality texts such as the Talking Points scheme, immersing children in inclusive and open dialogue through speaking or the utilisation of the arts, and ensuring new curriculum expectations, the progression of objectives are met. This will not only enable them to become primary literate but will also develop deep empathy, listening and sharing skills.
MFL - Spanish
Spanish is taught throughout the school utilising Language Angels.
Religious Education
At John Blow Primary we follow the ‘Religious Education for All 2021-2026’ document which is the agreed syllabus for RE in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire.