PRSE (Personal, Relationship and Sex Education)
What is PRSE?
For the 2023-2024 academic year, we will be enhancing our RSE curriculum to incorporate personal development opportunities. Our school vision highlights the importance of relationships forming the foundations for learning and striving to be the best we can be; this will be supported through the delivery of a Personal, Relationships and Sex Education curriculum. We will continue to utilise the Talking Books Scheme to deliver the curriculum and explore key themes and strands; this will be enhanced through assembly themes, class assemblies and whole class discussions as and when opportunities arise.
PRSE is the study and understanding of ourselves and co-existing in a society made up of people with varying beliefs, life-styles and cultures. We learn how to respect each human in spite and despite our differences. We engage in discussions about healthy living, emotions, growing up, problems, problem solving, safety and how we can better look after the world that we are a part of.
Curriculum intent
At John Blow Primary School, PRSE and the teaching of PRSE is the foundation of our curriculum and our school ethos. Our main aim is to ensure every single child develops an awareness of self and their community, and progress in the areas of speaking, listening and upholding our core school values.
PRSE at John Blow is taught daily, even out of lessons, and is at the cornerstone of the entire curriculum and at the heart of our school. It is embedded within all our lessons and we will strive for a high level of PRSE and social awareness for all children. Through using high-quality texts as the Talking Points scheme, immersing children in inclusive and open dialogue through speaking or the utilisation of the arts, and ensuring new curriculum expectations, the progression of objectives are met. This will not only enable them to become primary literate but will also develop deep empathy, listening and sharing skills.
At John Blow, our vision is for creativity to be at the helm of our RSE curriculum and for children to learn new skills in a fun and engaging way.
Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability or additional needs, to flourish and become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be. We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear objectives and knowledge progression. This ensures that vocabulary, objectives, skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children.
At John Blow Primary School:
- PRSE units are blocked to allow children to focus on developing their knowledge and skills, studying each unit in depth underpinned by progression year on year.
- We have developed a progression of objectives, with each year group, which enables pupils to build on and develop their skills each year. This is supported with specific vocabulary and objectives for each topic.
- In order to support children in their ability to know more and remember more, there are regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous year groups as well as previous lessons.