Friends of John Blow Primary School (FOJBS)
We are extremely proud of our Friends of John Blow!
They raise funds to buy items ranging from computer equipment and play equipment to library books.
All parents are automatically members of Friends of John Blow and you are welcome to attend one of their regular meetings.
Current fundraising for the term
Gusto community fund scheme
Provide grants of up to £500 based on single nominations made by recent buyers of a new Gusto Home, and single nominations made by members of the Gusto team that helped to build these new homes. If you know anyone and would like to nominate the Friends of John Blow please follow the link or speak with a committee member who can help.
Gusto Community Fund | Gusto Community Fund
The Committee
Friends of John Blow School has been an integral part of the school community for many years. In its time we have raised thousands of pounds which has been spent on improving equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities in school in general. It is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school.
2024/25 Committee
Siobhan Field (Chairperson)
Jenny Crane (Secretary)
Emily Taylor (Treasurer)
Mr B Carver (President)
Mr Barnard, Megan Brook, Emily Kay, Sharnie Muller, Catherine Priestley, Julia Raine, Lucy Smith, & Toni Smith
We usually meet via a Zoom call, about once per half-term. Any parent is welcome at our meetings. Please speak to a committee member. Meetings are advertised via the school newsletter and website and the FOJBS Facebook group (if you would like to join the search for ‘Friends of John Blow School’).
How we spend the funds we’ve raised
All decisions on what items are to be purchased from FOJBS funds are made during committee meetings.
Most of the lovely equipment in the playgrounds has been purchased by FOJBS. In the KS1 playground – the rainbow house, train, car and cafe are extremely popular. Also the wooden shelter in the KS2 playground which can be used by the children during breaks and for teaching smaller groups of children.
How can you help?
There are lots of ways you can help us, offering to help at events, or donations of items for sale, raffle prizes or a skill set you can offer – all these things determine the success of our fundraising activities, donations, however small, make a big difference to us.
If you’d like to join the committee but don’t feel you have the time – don’t worry. Most of our committee members work full-time and we spread the workload out, nobody is pressured into giving more time than they feel comfortable with.
How have we raised money
School Discos, Fayres, Ice Cream Sales, Raffles, Christmas Cards, Beneficiary of Gusto Community Grants, Family Fun Afternoon
Thank you!
We would be unable to raise the funds for our school without the help of everyone who contributes, whether by giving their time, donations, attending the events we organise, buying raffle tickets or cakes, the list is endless – THANK YOU