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Welcome to our Policies page; all of these policies can be made available as a paper copy.  If you have any queries regarding any of these documents, please contact the school office on 01636892485 or

For Braille, large print or audio, please contact us.

Health and Safety and Welfare Policies

GDPR and Data Management

Equality Objectives 

Objective 1

Staff will feel confident in responding effectively to prejudice-related bullying, as shown in the annual staff survey

Why we have chosen this objective: in line with KCSiE 2022 and the importance of responding to all incidences of child-on-child abuse and incidences of bullying, we will look to ensure that staff are confident in following the policies and procedures to deal with prejudice-related bullying.

To achieve this objective we plan to: implement Anti-Bullying Ambassadors who will support the understanding of all aspects of bullying for all staff and pupils in school.

Progress we are making towards this objective: staff training in September inset day outlines the plans for how we will ensure that the Child Protection Policy supports all children as outlined in KCSiE.

Objective 2

Promotion of cultural understanding and awareness of different cultural, ethnic and religious beliefs within and beyond our school community

Why we have chosen this objective: developing the children’s understanding of global issues beyond the school and close community is essential in ensuring that they are prepared to play a role as a global citizen of the future.  

To achieve this objective, we plan to: deliver a high-quality curriculum which celebrates and embraces different beliefs and values from around the globe; this will be supplemented by assembly themes and working towards the British Council’s International Schools Foundation Award.

Progress we are making towards this objective: Link established with 2 international schools (Poland and Spain).

Objective 3

Continue to improve accessibility across the school for students, staff and visitors with disabilities, including access to specialist teaching areas

Why we have chosen this objective: post-pandemic, it is essential that all children are supported in ‘catching up’ on learning that has been missed or affected by school closures; it is vitally important that we identify the need to deliver intervention and support for individuals with disabilities.

To achieve this objective, we plan to: continually monitor and review internal (and external where available) information to identify ways to support individual needs.

Progress we are making towards this objective: SEND staff meetings and TA meetings have been scheduled to offer a platform to explore and discuss items linked to this objective.

2021-2022 Policies

Our SENDCo (Special Needs co-ordinator)

is Miss Sarah Eagle

Contact details: 01636 892485 or 

John Blow primary school inclusion policy (SEND)

Tuxford Family Collaboration social media statement

Please follow this link to find out more about the Local Authority's SEND (Special needs and disabilities) offer.

This link takes you to the school's own SEND information report

Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus. The school will make arrangements for parents to exercise their right of withdrawal of their children from religious worship or instruction.